Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is drawing a divisive response from audiences and critics. The consensus is that the film is an effective sendoff but does not pack the necessary emotional punch for Indy's last chapter. One of the more controversial elements of the film is Pheobe Waller-Bridge’s character, Helena Shaw.

Helena (Waller-Bridge) is someone with a past that is connected to Indy. Her character's snarky dialogue and general actions left fans conflicted about how they should feel about her. Those divisive feelings seem to forget one possibility about the character. Helena could be the future of the Indiana Jones franchise going forward.

In the film, Helena is a character similar to Indiana Jones. She’s snarky, funny, and always looking for an adventure. The only difference is that starting in the Dial of Destiny, she is driven by financial victories. As she continues her journey, she begins to understand Indy’s mindset as an adventurer. Understanding that mindset opens up the idea of her taking over the franchise. If Helena were to lead the franchise, could she fill those massive shoes?

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Helana Gains Indy's Adventurous Spirit

Harrison Ford & Phoebe Waller-Bridge in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
Walt Disney Studios

Helena’s introduction in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny treats her more like a con artist. She is a character that does not have Indy’s passion for history. Helena knows plenty about history thanks to her father, Basil Shaw (Toby Jones). The problem is that she is not driven by knowledge in the way Indy or Basil was.

Helena grows to have that spirit throughout the film, thanks to Indiana’s influence. Without Indy, Helena could not have become a true adventurer and lover of history like her father. She even has her own sidekick, much like Indiana Jones has with Short Round.

Teddy Kumar Is Helena’s sidekick she meets when he attempts to pickpocket her in Tangier. The two become a disgruntled pair that runs cons throughout the market of arms dealers. At this moment, both characters completely change, for the better, when they meet Indiana Jones. Indiana becomes Helena’s teacher, and Teddy becomes her trusty, goodhearted sidekick. Teddy getting wrapped up in this adventure sets Helena on the next step to becoming a hero.

Helena and Teddy become reliant on one another as the film continues. That reliance comes from a place of love. It is a dynamic similar to Indiana and Short Round in The Temple of Doom. Their time with Indiana Jones sparks the adventurous attitude Helena and Teddy need. Once the action progress, the characters grow to care for each other as Indy and Shortround do. Teddy and Helena’s dynamic could be best explored in another Indiana Jones spin-off. Both characters need to appear in a Short Round spin-off.

Related: Should the Indiana Jones Franchise Continue After Dial of Destiny?

Short Round Is the Future of the Franchise

Ke Huy Quan

Ke Huy Quan has had a resurgence within the industry. His Everything Everywhere All At Once Oscar win has given his career a surprising jumpstart. Besides being a historic win, it is one that will make him a household name. Quan now has the ability to choose whatever project he would like.

Short Round is arguably Quan’s most popular character that audiences would love to see again. His dynamic with Helena could be a great way to continue the franchise and honor the legacy of what came before. Including Short Round could be a necessity for the franchise to continue.

The Dial of Destiny stumbled on its first weekend at the box office. Audiences loved seeing Ford reprise the character one more time, but the story left them underwhelmed. Even the addition of Helena left audiences divided. With Harrison Ford’s time as the character finished, Helena taking over is an uncertainty. For audiences to see another story, they need something else to motivate them. Ke Huy Quan returning as Short Round is the necessary motivation. The Dial of Destiny’s box office results can explain why Quan needs to return.

Phoebe Waller-Bridge has not made the necessary impression on audiences. The character needs another chance to show what she’s capable of. Giving her a chance to return in a Short Round spin-off could be the opportunity she needs. That character dynamic and chance for Helena to show what she learned in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny could give the franchise a chance to continue. Thankfully, it seems that this spin-off could become a reality.

Quan has been vocal about wanting to return as this character. Short Round taking over the franchise could be a chance for Helena to redeem herself. Their dynamic, along with Teddy, could be something to honor the legacy. It would also allow Helena to redeem herself in the eyes of frustrated fans.

The character has potential, but it took Dial of Destiny’s entire 154-minute running time for her to find it. Appearing in this spin-off would allow the character to enact what she has learned. Instead of being Indy’s “apprentice,” she could become an adventurer like her godfather and father. Simultaneously, it would let audiences reunite with another fan-favorite character. There are more stories to tell in the Indiana Jones world, but it depends on whether audiences want them to be told.