Villains come and go; some are highly skilled, and some just seem to be lucky. They also come in a million different shapes, sizes, and species. One thing we don't see a ton of, especially outside of children's movies, are female villains. When we do see a female villain in a movie, they seem to be one of two things; easily overthrown or absolutely and relentlessly evil and unstoppable.

When it comes to female villains, a few things can separate them from male villains; their emotions, lost love, vengeance for a child, and a corrupt memory of wrongdoings. Women are scary to begin with because they already come equipped with superpowers like being able to tell if someone is lying and being able to handle excruciating pain. However, when that once kind woman has had enough and becomes a villain, you'd better watch out because that is some serious baggage that's about to be used as a deadly weapon. Let's take a look at some of the most notoriously evil female villains from your favorite movies.

10 Aaliyah as Queen Akasha in Queen of the Damned (2002)

Aaliyah as The Queen of the Damned and Lestat
Warner Bros.

Queen Akasha (Aaliyah) in Queen of the Damned was a gorgeous and deadly vampire woman capable of massive destruction. When she is awakened by Lestat pretending to be a rock star during a concert, she decides that he will be hers. Unfortunately, the ancient vampires aren't too fond of her or Lestat and try to kill them. Akasha kills a building filled with ancient vampires and takes Lestat. She has him under a spell, and he drains his one friend, Jesse, which he saves afterward. Akasha is selfish, greedy and sees humans only as a food source and plans to use them as such. She is almost impossible to kill, which also leads to her attitude towards everyone. She is the epitome of heartless evil.

9 Helena Bonham Carter as Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)

A scene from Sweeney Todd
Paramount Pictures

Mrs. Lovett (Helena Bonham Carter), Sweeney Todd's wife in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, is nobody you'd want to mess with, not just because her husband is deranged and filled with vengeance. Mrs. Lovett goes along with his insanity and helps disguise his killings by baking the meat into pies. She chops them up happily, minces the meat into tiny bits, and cooks away while the whole town marvels at her delicious pies, having no idea what they are actually made of. She does all this with a smile on her face. If that isn't scary, then you are a brave soul.

8 Natasha Henstridge as Sil in Species (1995)

Species Creature Sil

In Species, Sil (Natasha Henstridge) is an alien disguised as an attractive, newly adult woman. She has only one instinct to follow: to breed and continue the alien race on planet Earth. She doesn't care about feelings, money, or anyone's life. Anyone who comes between her and her goal dies a gruesome death. When she chooses a mate, and they aren't up to par, she kills them. She does so without any feeling, so killing is just her instinct and nothing more. Sil is terrifying because she has no remorse and does not care about anything except reproducing so her kind can take over the Earth. This is one woman you would want to avoid at all costs.

7 Rosamund Pike as Amy Dunne in Gone Girl (2014)

Rosamund Pike in Gone Girl.
Twentieth Century Fox

Rosamund Pike in Gone Girl is deranged and malicious and will get what she wants regardless of who she takes as a victim on the way. She is an absolute mastermind in manipulation, which is horrifying when you look at what she does to her husband. This is a woman you do not want to cross because she is smart and crazy enough to cause you such severe problems that she ruins your life. Pike gets whatever she wants and leaves a trail of victims on the way. She will beat herself up and pin it on you. That kind of crazy should be avoided entirely when seen in the wild.

Related: 6 Movies that Will Make You Second Guess Ever Getting into a Relationship

6 Kathy Bates as Annie Wilkes in Misery (1990)

James Caan and Kathy Bates in the horror film Misery
Columbia Pictures

In the hit movie Misery, Annie Wilkes (played by horror legend Kathy Bates) is one massive disturbed and sick woman. After coming to rescue her favorite author, Paul Sheldon, after he crashes his car in a blizzard, she refuses to let him go. During that time, many terrible things happened, but Wilkes's sickest part was her weirdly normal appearance and way of talking. She acts like she is doing an excellent service, and the author is just not being kind. Then she finds out that Sheldon is killing off the heroine in her favorite books; she loses what few screws she had to start with and starts torturing poor Sheldon. This type of crazy exists in the real world, and that should be enough to frighten anybody.

5 Yubaba in Spirited Away (2001)

Ubaba in Spirited Away
Studio Ghibli

Yubaba in Spirited Away is not a nice old lady at all. She was in charge of the Bathhouse and all of its workers. She had stolen parts of their names so they could never leave and would have to work in the Bathhouse forever. Though Yubaba was evil, her magic matched Zeniba, Yubaba's twin sister's magic. Zeniba is not evil and is a kind-hearted witch. Yubaba has an enormous and somewhat oddly shaped head and can fly off like a hideous giant bird by opening her coat. She isn't the most horrific on this list but she ranks very high on the creepy villain scale.

4 Lucy Liu as O-Ren Ishii in Kill Bill (2003)

O-Ren and Kiddo fighting in the snow in Kill Bill 2003.
Miramax Films

O-Ren (Lucy Liu) in Kill Bill is one of the most intriguing, beautiful, and cruel women you could ever encounter. She is the head of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad and goes by Cottonmouth. O-Ren was raised in an American military household by her Chinese-Japanese parents. As a leader of the Crazy 88, the criminal mastermind was there and knew about the plan to kill Kiddo during her wedding years earlier. She is the last on Kiddo's list and engages in a beautiful fight in the snow, ending her evil ruling.

3 Piper Laurie as Margaret White in Carrie (1976)

Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie in Carrie
United Artists

Margaret White (Piper Laurie), Carrie's psychotic mother in the movie Carrie, is a religious fanatic gone terribly wrong. She believes her daughter is the devil and is constantly sinning. She even believes that having Carrie was a sin and blames herself. Yet, somewhere underneath the horrors her mother does and says is a woman terrified after being left to care for a child alone. She does love Carrie in some toxically twisted way, but she treats her terribly.

Throughout the entire movie, Carrie is just trying to be a normal kid and fit in with other kids; meanwhile, her mother is blaming Carrie for everything and praying for help to get Carrie's monsters out. Mrs. White is a deeply disturbed woman who is entirely unfit to care for a child. She doesn't see the horrors she creates by berating, beating, and being heartless to her poor daughter, who needs and loves her.

Related: Here's Our Ranking of the Carrie Film Series

2 Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange in Harry Potter (2005)

Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange
Warner Bros. Pictures

From the start, we all knew that Bellatrix Lestrange was one very bad apple in the Harry Potter movies. She is Voldemort's most loyal follower and is, of course, a pure-blooded witch. She does whatever Voldemort's wishes may be, whether it's to go after Sirius Black or kill Harry Potter; this woman knows no bounds. She became a Death Eater straight out of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and made it her life's mission to follow Voldemort. She has been known to torture those who are not pure-blood witches or those who do not come from one of the old families. After she was sentenced to life in Azkaban, she lost any sanity she possessed. Once she broke out, she quickly made up for lost time and became pure evil. This is one lady villain you would need to run very fast from and hope she didn't see you.

1 The Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland (1951)

Alice and the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland

The Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland is one lady you don't want to cross. She enslaves a deck of cards to look after her roses and do everything she doesn't want to do herself. However, she is determined to capture Alice and have her beheaded for anything. In the movie, we see the Queen playing croquet with Alice, and since Alice's flamingo is giggly and goofy, it gets her into trouble; once the Cheshire Cat messes up the game, the Queen believing it was Alice's doing and orders her to be beheaded. Even the King of Hearts is scared of the Queen. She is insane and evil. Anything she says goes, and her layers of corruption cannot be defeated without Alice's help. This is the type of female villain that would have you beheaded for walking on her lawn.