When we think of what a hero should be, a few characteristics come to mind: kind, compassionate, empathetic, strong, fast, intelligent, and having a solid moral ground to stand on. But, of course, nothing is perfect, not even Superman, though he is one of the real heroes. Some heroes aren't exactly what we think we'll get when we sit down with glassy, fixated eyes and watch the likes of James Bond only to realize that he is just another sneaky man who uses anyone in his way. Then you can look at some others, like Howard the Duck, and understand why he is not exactly a textbook hero.

Heroes have pasts and feelings, too. Some are ridiculously rich and have never had to worry about much of anything. Some are super smart and cannot stand mingling with ordinary people because they can't help but think of those "normal people" as idiots. These are issues any human might face, and since we are all from different genes, in different households and schools, and grow up uniquely from any other human, it goes to say that sometimes what we consider to be a difficult person to get along with might be that way for a reason. Look at some of the biggest villains; many are bad guys for a reason, and it all boils down to their feelings and how they have been treated or raised. Enough playing Devil's Advocate; let's dive into those hard-to-buddy-up with movie heroes.

13 Mad Max

Mad Max is wearing his leather bomber jacket and holding a gun.
Warner Bros.

Mad Max isn't precisely a fuzzy, feel-good movie franchise; it's dirty, rotten, and downright awful at times, and the main character is not someone that would likely spend one minute being kind to you or chatting it up. Instead, he is feral and ruthless and literally exists for vengeance for what happened to his family. He isn't looking for friends. Also, he doesn't speak very often, especially in the newer Max Mad movie Mad Max: Fury Road. He has been played by two of the greatest actors in history, who might just be a bit friendlier than our character. Mel Gibson was the Mad Max we all grew up with, and Tom Hardy is our current War Boy subtracter.

12 James Bond

James Bond movie box office poster showing Bond holding a gun pointed at the camera.

James Bond may be one of Hollywood's most lucrative action heroes, but he's also been portrayed as incredibly misogynistic and willing to do anything to catch the bad guy, even using countless women and discarding them like trash. He buddies up to any attractive female and treats them like objects. He isn't known for doing nice things or for having any friends. He'd be an elitist regarding his fancy Beretta and his vehicles, which, let's face it, are most of the reasons anyone loves James Bond. He's just a fancy, schmancy scumbag. However, James Bond has been played by some really fantastic actors such as; Roger Moore, Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan, and Daniel Craig. It is likely that each of the actors has higher morals and better sense than the fictional James Bond.

Related: James Bond: Best Performances in the Franchise, Ranked

11 Edward Cullen from the Twilight Saga

Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen in a classroom scene from Twilight.
Summit Entertainment

Edward Cullen from The Twilight Saga is another one of those quiet elitists that think every human is beneath him, which to some degree is entirely understandable, having been alive for way too long at a mere 104 years old. He is very proud of his knowledge of basically everything but is seething with self-hatred. A rich boy who spends all day and night hating himself and everyone around him that is a human isn't going to be someone you go for coffee with and chat about your dreams. Robert Pattinson plays Edward Cullen in The Twilight Saga and has also played Batman, Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Jacob in Water for Elephants, along with roles in many other films.

10 Peter Venkman

Bill Murray as Peter Venkman in a scene from Ghostbusters
Columbia Pictures

Yet another full-of-himself jerk who basically thinks he's super cool and that, secretly, everyone loves and desires him. Peter Venkman of the Ghostbusters also doesn't seem to understand anything about consent and takes advantage of it when she is possessed. Not only that, but he doesn't listen to her when she point blankly says no to his advances on her before she was possessed. I guess this was a time when you make someone uncomfortable enough times that you'll wear them down just enough to say yes just to get you to leave them alone. This would be one friend you'd rather be without, and it would be incredibly tiring listening to him boast about himself constantly.

Bill Murray may or may not be an outstanding human, the verdict is still out on it, but he is an amazing actor and funny-man. Murray has starred in so many fantastic movies that it's hard to keep track of them all! Some of the movies are Caddyshack, Zombieland, Groundhog Day, Lost in Translation, Stripes, What About Bob?, Scrooged and so many more.

9 Batman

Michael Keaton's Batman staring at the camera.
Warner Bros

Bruce Wayne as Batman was raised in a wealthy household and, as a child, lost his parents. He had no friends and never seemed to do anything to relax. In all of the Batman movies, Wayne never seems to be happy. In fact, he seems to lack a personality altogether. He wouldn't care for conversation or be empathetic to everyday human life. He is clipped and professional but does not seem to know the meaning of fun. He would probably stare out the window and wish to return to his mansion while you talked about your life. Haven't we all felt that way at some point or another?

Batman is yet another of those roles that has attracted a slew of very talented actors throughout the years, like; Adam West, Michael Keaton, George Clooney, Val Kilmer, Christian Bale and Robert Pattinson. Who doesn't want to be Batman when they grow up? You just know that each of these actors really wanted the part so they would have bragging rights to driving the infamous Batmobile.

8 Cher from Clueless

Cher from Clueless in 1995 squints at the camera as she thinks.
Paramount Pictures

Cher from Clueless was a cool rich kid who didn't lack the latest clothing or beauty. She had everything and got everything. She also took on a girl who she thought she was better than and "fixed" her as a project, much like having a doll. Unfortunately, Cher was exceedingly rude to everyone that wasn't in her clique and didn't show an ounce of remorse for it until the very end of the movie. Also, she's a creep for being in love with her stepbrother, which would undoubtedly make for an awkward conversation. Looking down on people and shaming them for who they are is so not cool. Alicia Silverstone brought this character to life and did an amazing job of it.

Unfortunately, young girls everywhere wanted to be just like Cher. Everything from thigh highs to the saying, "what if" made its way through the masses of underaged girls and likely drove parents insane. Alicia Silverstone has always seemed like the kind of person that would be the exact opposite of her role as Cher in Clueless. Silverstone has starred in other movies, such as; Batman and Robin, The Crush, Excess Baggage, The Babysitter and much more.

7 Willy Wonka

Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka

Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was a madman genius who ran an upscale and super private candy factory. He didn't like children and barely contained his lack of enjoyment when they came to his factory. Wonka didn't seem concerned with children getting into trouble and disappearing after "accidents" at his factory and laughed when Veruca Salt turned blue. But, of course, it was his factory, and he made the rules, but he could have been much kinder to children since that's who keeps his business alive and popping. Without the masses of starry eyed children begging their parents to buy candy bar after candy bar, all of which were hoping to be one of the lucky kids to find the Golden Ticket, Willy Wonka would have been broke and not quite so snarky when he was knocked down a notch or two.

The actors who have taken on the role as the insane Willy Wonka have been Gene Wilder and Johnny Depp, and they'll soon be joined by Timothee Chalemet. Wilder's version was much less creepy and much more wholesome than Depp's version, but what would we expect with Tim Burton directing the movie? Depp has been in many movies and more so, many Tim Burton movies such as; Alice in Wonderland, The Pirates of the Caribbean, Finding Neverland, Edward Scissorhands, Finding Neverland, Blow and many more. Wilder has starred in a slew of movies, as well, which includes; Alice in Wonderland, Woman in Red, The Frisco Kid, Blazing Saddles, World's Greatest Lover and more.

6 Ferris Bueller

Ferris Bueller drinking orange juice and talking on the phone to the principal.
Paramount Pictures

From an adult or parental perspective, Ferris Bueller from Ferris Bueller's Day Off, is a kid who is a grade-A jerk. He is precisely the type of kid that pushes their principal to retire or their parents to lose their minds. Bueller is the type of kid that parents do not want in their homes, touching their fancy automobiles or their daughters. One can only hope that Bueller one day has children that are just like he was, only with present day issues. Everywhere he goes, he causes enormous problems, complete destruction, shrugs it off, and walks away. Kids are all punks, but this one is a notch past that point. High school kids who lie become adults who lie and that is certainly not what anyone needs.

Matthew Broderick is a really great personality and actor and thankfully is reportedly much kinder than Ferris was, though, maybe at that point Broderick fit the part well. Broderick has also starred in such movies as; Ladyhawke, Biloxi Blues, Addicted to Love, The Cable Guy, Inspector Gadget, The Lion King, and more.

Related: Cobra Kai Creators Tease Upcoming Ferris Bueller's Day Off Spinoff

5 Tony Stark AKA Iron Man

Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man 2008
Paramount Pictures

Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, is not a very friendly guy. He does improve throughout his time alive, but not by much. He is wealthy and intelligent and has no patience with anyone not in those categories with him. He is a snarky know-it-all and is only capable of thinking of himself, for the most part. Stark is your quintessential "Alpha Male" with the boisterous, obnoxious, and flamboyant traits that one sees in such a man who beliefs his status makes him more powerful than you. Towards the end of his time, he did some wonderful and compassionate things and sacrificed himself to save others, but he took his time getting there.

Robert Downey, Jr. is no stranger to the "Alpha Male" lifestyle and attitude but similar to his role as Iron Man, he saw error in his ways and righted himself before it was too late. Downey has been in many movies with Iron Man being one of his most notable. Some of the other movies Downey starred in are; Due Date, Sherlock Holmes (another know-it-all jerk-from what we know), A Scanner Darkly, Shaggy Dog, Natural Born Killers, Air America, Up the Academy and Weird Science, just to name a few.

4 Howard the Duck

Howard the duck looks on with a disbelieving look on his face. 
Universal Pictures

Howard the Duck has a bad attitude and does whatever he wants. He isn't a particularly nice duck guy, either. He comes from a different planet and is now stuck on Earth, where humans eat ducks, treat them poorly, and have very little compassion for their feathered friends. Howard isn't amused by that and ensures everyone knows his distaste for humans and Earth. He is fowl mouthed, sexualizes every attractive woman, and doesn't seem to play by anyone's rules except his own. He doesn't generally even listen when someone talks unless they are speaking about him or something to benefit him. Overall, he is probably the most unlikeable Marvel character. The voice behind the duck is none other than Ed Gale who starred in such movies as; O Brother Where Art Thou, Child's Play, Chucky, and Spaceballs.

3 The Grinch

The Grinch speaking to Mary Lou Who.
Universal Pictures

The Grinch starts off as a complicated and unlikeable foe, and even though he makes some personality changes, he is still very self-centered. He needs to be reminded frequently of how to be kind, and he can be highly manipulative. The Grinch spent a considerable chunk of his life avoiding Whos because they made fun of him as a child. He harbored all that vengeance and hate for many years and never tried to explain himself to the Whos. It would have taken a bit of courage, but since he is unwilling to go very far to please anyone but himself, his friendships are likely short-lived.

Jim Carrey, who played the Grinch in the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas is a massive Hollywood star and has been in many award winning movies, such as; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, The Mask, Horton Hears a Who, Anchorman 2, Sonic the Hedgehog, A Christmas Carol, Liar Liar, The Cable Guy, Mr. Popper's Penguins and many more. Carrey's movies have all been popular and most have been hilarious. He is well known for his goofy impersonations, expressions and sayings.

2 Harley Quinn

The Suicide Squad's Harley Quinn smiles into the camera.
Warner Bros. Pictures

This troubled woman, Harley Quinn of The Suicide Squad, is unpredictable, manipulative, and dangerous, all for what she believes to be true love when it is the opposite. Quinn welcomes controversy and depends on a psychopath to dictate her life and choices. Even if she pretends to be your best friend, she will stab you in the back in a heartbeat if that's what the Joker wants. She would be an awful friend because she would never provide any essential needs and would only obsess over her extremely abusive boyfriend. If you dared to disagree with her regarding the Joker, she'd probably make you no longer exist. It never seemed to matter how bad the Joker treated her, she always came back for more. Quite a handful of legendary talents have lent their voices to the character over the years in animation, but she's most commonly associated with Margot Robbie's version.

Lady Gaga is the latest star to take on the role in the upcoming sequel to Joker starring Joaquin Phoenix. Gaga is a well known music artist with several hit albums. Robbie has starred in many movies, most notably; Wolf of Wall Street, The Legend of Tarzan, Barbie, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Bombshell and Amsterdam.

1 Harry Potter

Harry Potter using the invisibility cloak
Warner Bros. Pictures

This kid, Harry Potter, is almost always entirely focused on his problems and doesn't care much about how his friends may be feeling. Potter assumes that they will follow him anywhere and believe anything he says. That's not what friendship is about. Conversing with someone completely fixated on themselves and their issues is challenging. They cannot see outside their box as to what their friends might be thinking or feeling. Sure, you can be a friend and follow them everywhere but isn't that more like a cult and less like a friendship?

Daniel Radcliffe is best know for his role as Harry Potter in the Harry Potter franchise and has also starred in Kill Your Darlings, The Lost City and Beast of Burden and The Woman in Black.