The Bad Batch is a Star Wars animated series on Disney+ that follows a squad of Specialty Commando Clones after Order 66 and during the progressive takeover of the Empire. While every other Clone on the force falls prey to the command of Order 66, Clone Force 99 does not, thanks to their genetic alterations. The series follows the Bad Batch as they travel around the galaxy avoiding capture from the Empire. Along with the regular cast of main characters, a number of guest characters have made appearances throughout the first season.
Thanks to Disney+, we’ve seen a number of original series surface, especially in the Star Wars universe. From the hit series The Mandalorian to the highly anticipated Obi-Wan Kenobi, the latter of which is set to be released later this year, it seems Disney has no shortage of Star Wars content or characters to share. Thanks to this, The Bad Batch has seen a number of cameos from familiar faces as well as new additions to the universe altogether. These are the best guest characters in season one of The Bad Batch.
7 Cad Bane
Hired by Lama Su, Prime Minister of Kamino, to retrieve Omega and bring her back is Cad Bane, the notorious bounty hunter who almost took out a good chunk of the senate. This bounty hunter from the planet Duro has worked with a number of infamous bounty hunters over the years, including Aurra Sing. This notorious mercenary quickly became a fan favorite in The Clone Wars, known for his cruelty and his determination. Cad Bane will take on any bounty if the price is right. Cad Bane honed in on Omega and were it not for the interference from Fennec Shand, Bane would have seized Omega, gaining himself a sizable bounty. Cad Bane recently made the jump to live-action in The Book of Boba Fett, where he seemingly met his fate at the hands of Boba.
6 Captain Rex
A fan favorite of The Clone Wars, Captain Rex was a clone known for his tough tactics and his ability to think on his feet, part of the reason he got on with General Skywalker so well. Captain Rex makes an appearance in The Bad Batch after Clone Force 99 discovers that the order to eliminate all Jedi, Order 66, was forced upon every clone in the force thanks to their inhibitor chips. After Crosshair’s inhibitor chip kicks in, and he is tasked with eliminating the Bad Batch, Rex arrives and helps the team to get their chips removed so that they will not be affected by it.
5 Fennec Shand
This infamous bounty hunter who made her debut in The Mandalorian makes an appearance in The Bad Batch on Pantora, when Omega is separated from the rest of the group. One of the galaxy’s strongest bounty hunters, Fennec Shand carved a name for herself in The Mandalorian as she managed to survive near-fatal wounds with the help of Boba Fett. Similar to Cad Bane, Fennec Shand is working for Kaminoan Nala Se, who goes against the orders of the Prime Minister and hires Fennec Shand to protect Omega from Cad Bane.
4 Admiral Tarkin
A cut-throat leader of the Empirical forces is Tarkin who quickly rose through the ranks, becoming an Admiral put in charge of the construction of the Death Star. Tarkin quickly became a hated character for his ruthless method of extracting information, as seen in A New Hope. Tarkin has a prominent presence in The Bad Batch as an overseer of the Clone Troopers. He can be seen on Kamino where he remains unconvinced that the Clones serve any purpose other than being a waste of time and resources. Tarkin is one of the first to suggest that the Clones be phased out, introducing the changeover from Clone Troopers to Stormtroopers.
3 Martez Sisters
Making their debut on The Bad Batch are the Martez sisters, Trace and Rafa. Orphaned after a Senate hostage crisis, the sisters were forced to scrounge out a living in the Underworld of Coruscant before eventually aiding the resistance against the Empire. They encounter Clone Force 99 when they find a tactical droid head that they must get to someone within the rebellion. It’s not revealed who the sisters are working for, but it does give insight into the early rebellion forces against the Empire. While the Martez sisters only make an appearance in one episode, it leaves us wondering if we will see them in any other Star Wars series, like the third season of The Mandalorian or potentially the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi.
2 Saw Gerrera
After a strong appearance in Rogue One, fans wanted to know more about the origins of Saw Gerrera and what better place to explore his character than in The Bad Batch. The series takes place during and after Order 66, before the events of Rogue One. As a result, we get to see a young Saw Gerrera as he encounters the Bad Batch on Jedha, leading the extreme Rebel group known as the Partisans. Saw Gerrera’s intentions may seem pure, as all he wants is to bring an end to the Empire, but with that comes his extremist ways which, while effective, are part of what makes his character so controversial.
1 Kanan Jarrus / Caleb Dume
Kanan Jarrus AKA Caleb Dume makes an appearance in The Bad Batch as a Padawan to Depa Billaba. Some may know him from his presence on the Rebels animated series, but in The Bad Batch, he is still Caleb Dume. The Bad Batch shows Caleb at the time that Order 66 is executed and shows how he managed to escape thanks to the help of his master. While many appreciated the presence of Caleb as a padawan in The Bad Batch, there was some controversy over the fact that Caleb’s skin color had allegedly been whitewashed, with Lucasfilm claiming that it was just the lighting of the animation.