The Wheel of Time is an Amazon original high fantasy series based on the series of epic novels by Robert Jordan. The series follows Moiraine, a member of a magical organization who travels on a journey with five young people, believing one of them to be the Dragon Reborn, a powerful reincarnation meant to save the world from the Dark One or potentially destroy it. The Wheel of Time has been praised for the performances from the cast as well, as the show’s ability to blur the lines between good and evil with very little distinction between the two, leading to a renewal for a second season.

The Wheel of Time has no one or two main characters and instead has an ensemble cast with a number of main characters to root for. From the exceedingly powerful Moraine to the introduction of Perrin’s strange power, there’s no shortage of powerful characters in the series, some proving far more powerful than others. Here is every character in The Wheel of Time, ranked by power.

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8 Perrin

Unlike many on this list, Perrin does not have the ability to channel, but he does have many other powers that make up for this absence of channeling power. His extreme physical strength is one of his best abilities, which was formed from his profession as a blacksmith before fleeing the armies of the Dark One. Another power that he has formed is the power connected to wolves. While this power is revealed halfway through the first season and is shrouded in mystery, this leaves a great deal of room for the second season to cover more about Perrin’s powers.

7 Rand


Rand’s abilities were downplayed until it was revealed that he has the ability to saidin and is the Dragon Reborn whose destiny it is to challenge and destroy the Dark One. This discovery opened a new world of opportunities for Rand to become one of the most powerful characters in the series. Rand is the most underrated character in the series, and while his fate is revealed to be a great responsibility, the full extent of his power is not completely clear. With so much up in the air after the first season of The Wheel of Time, it’s clear that more about Rand and his powers will be revealed in the coming season.

6 Egwene

The most mysterious character on the roster is Egwene, played by Madeleine Madden. A new member of the Women’s Circle, Egwene is a powerful channeler who shows her strength of mind, body, and soul. That said, much of Egwene’s character is left up to the audience’s imagination. Throughout the first season, Egwene’s abilities are showcased and display her immense potential as a talented channeler, should she choose to receive training at the White Tower and apprentice as a Wisdom under Nynaeve. Egwene is still a mystery, but hopefully, the second season will show us how Egwene decides to approach her powers.

5 Liandrin

Liandrin, played by Kate Fleetwood, is the Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah. While it’s unclear whether she is a hero or a villain, all arrows seem to point towards villainy in Liandrin’s case, as she hunts down male channelers, believing women to be the only ones deserving of the ability to use the One Power. Hunting down the False Dragon Logain, Liandrin is not afraid to show off her One Power as she manages to tame the Dragon Logain after he nearly breaks free. Liandrin embraces her powers which is what makes her a true force to be reckoned with.

4 Alanna

Similar to Liandin in her possession and complete control over the One Power is Alanna. Played by Priyanka Bose, she proves herself a formidable foe, able to take on any number of enemies thrown her way. Unlike many of the other women on this list, Alanna is known for her kindness, compassion, and her three-way relationship with Maksin and Ihvon, making her more than just a strong channeler. On top of all this, Alanna is a highly respected channeler within the White Tower leaving us to wonder how much of her power is being saved for later in the series.

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3 Siuan

Managing to maintain a position of power within the ruthless walls of the White Tower is Siuan, Amyrlin Seat of the White Tower. Not only does her position command respect from all those around her, but her presence alone is enough to horrify as she makes the decisions that most could not. For example, when Logain is brought before her and makes horrific comments about the Aes Sedai, rather than having him killed, she has him imprisoned, so he may serve as an example to the rest of the False Dragons, a fate worse than death. If there’s one thing we’d hope to see from season two of Wheel of Time, it’s more of Siuan’s powers.

2 Moiraine

Played by Rosamund Pike in what is arguably her best role is Moiraine. Moiraine’s powers outmatch most of the others on this list. Able to take on a great number of foes at one time, Moiraine proves formidable both as a channeler and a warrior in combat. On top of this, Moiraine survives a near-fatal wound that would have slain anyone less powerful. Thanks to her power, she is the one to escort Rand to his predestined confrontation with the Dark One. Moiraine is by far the most intriguing character who knows all the ins and outs of her powers. We can only imagine what the second season will hold for Moiraine.

1 Nynaeve

One of the most interesting characters introduced in the series is Nynaeve, played by Zoë Robins. Her ability to use the One Power is matched by none other when she channels her power and heals everyone injured in the Dragon Logain’s attempt to break free. Her desire to heal is what drives her to channel her power to such a great degree. As we’ve only gotten a glimpse into the power of Nynaeve, Amazon has us on the edge of our seats, waiting to see her true potential revealed in the next season.