Romance movies are a guilty pleasure for many viewers. It's fun to see a fictional romance unfold, and most of the time, these relationships aren't problematic in nature. Sometimes, though, romance movies present relationships that are destined for failure through their unsympathetic characters and execution. Here are ten romance movies that get more inappropriate as the story progresses.

Silver Linings Playbook (2012)

Silver Linings Playbook Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence
The Weinstein Company

For starters, Pat and Tiffany are nowhere near ready for a relationship at any point during Silver Linings Playbook. The inherent problem with their relationship is that for the majority of the movie, Pat mistreats Tiffany, constantly belittling her and ultimately, using her to get a message across to Nikki. Then there's Tiffany, who compulsively lies to get closer to Pat. This relationship feels like a train wreck waiting to happen through and through.

Fifty Shades of Grey (2015)

Fifty Shades of Grey_
Universal Pictures

Fifty Shades of Grey is hard to sit through; all due to Christian's control issues throughout his relationship with Anastasia. While Christian claims he wants to help Anastasia explore her sexuality, the truth of the matter is, Christian is a self-serving individual that will say anything to get Anastasia to go along with his desires.

Matters worsen in Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed, as Christian's past relationships, enemies, and traumas take a toll on the relationship, and put Anastasia's life in danger. Christian had significant healing to do before attempting a relationship with anyone.

Sixteen Candles (1984)

Molly Ringwald and Michael Schoeffling in Sixteen Candles
Universal Pictures

Yikes, John Hughes really missed the mark with Sixteen Candles. How this used to be considered a wholesome, coming of age rom-com is unfathomable. Sixteen Candles perpetuates misogyny and unhealthy attachments.

Ted doesn't respect Sam's boundaries and, at one point, sexually assaults her. Sam ends up with Jake, but he is only the healthier option over Ted because he doesn't commit physical acts of violence towards Sam. Sam is objectified throughout the entire film.

No Hard Feelings (2023)

no hard feelings cover
Sony Pictures Releasing

Not the worst relationship on this list, but Maddie and Percy's entire dynamic is cemented on one big lie. The whole point to the movie is to subvert the usual formula where a guy pursues a girl and so on, and No Hard Feelings achieves this well... but at the cost of Maddie's overall likability.

Perhaps the most unnerving part of this relationship is seeing Maddie uphold her lie up until the very last moment of intimacy between her and Percy, where he finally confesses to knowing about Maddie's deal with his parents. It's difficult to imagine that Percy would ever trust Maddie again, or even contemplate a friendship.

Related: 10 Raunchy Comedies to Watch if You Loved No Hard Feelings

Trainwreck (2015)

Amy Schumer drinking from a brown bag next to Bill Hader in Trainwreck
Unviersal Pictures

Trainwreck features a rather reprehensible lead, Amy. Amy is selfish, and irresponsible, and dismisses just about anyone that isn't serving her immediate needs. Seeing Amy and Aaron get together feels contrived; Aaron spends his life helping others, and Amy spends her life helping herself.

The most glaring problem with this relationship is Amy's emotional unavailability; she is hesitant to commit to Aaron, takes him for granted, and reacts cruelly to his love confession.

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually
Universal Pictures

There are some really touching relationships depicted in Love Actually, and then there's this one. Juliet is married to Peter, but her loyalties are torn between her commitment and Mark's love confession. To make matters worse, Juliet is unfaithful to Peter by kissing Mark on Christmas Eve, as Peter is only feet away inside their home! Juliet's marriage was destined for failure.

The Holiday (2006)

Sony Pictures Releasing

Iris is simply too good for Jasper, so it's difficult to imagine that they were in a relationship at some point in history. Jasper doesn't only cheat on Iris, he uses Iris to delegate much of his work, knowing she'll comply due to her unrequited love for him. Jasper's relentlessness is uncanny as he travels all the way to California to pressure Iris into helping him with work; fortunately for Iris, she puts a definite end to a highly manipulative relationship.

Related: Robert Downey Jr. Believed He Was a 'Shoo-In' for The Holiday Until Kate Winslet Told Him 'That's the Worst British Accent I've Ever Heard'

Twilight (2008)

Kiristen Stewart as Bella and Robert Pattinson as Edward in The Twilight Saga: New Moon.
Summit Distribution

Some would argue that the inherent problem with this relationship is rooted in Bella and Edward being teenagers... but Edward is mentally over a hundred years old. Nevertheless, Bella's relationship with Edward isn't the most inappropriate dynamic in the Twilight series; it's Jacob Black's obsession with Bella.

Jacob stalks Bella, lashes out at her when things don't go his way, and at one point, forcibly kisses her. Jacob needed to stay far, far away from Bella instead of becoming her son-in-law!

A Star Is Born (2018)

Lady Gaga as Ally and Bradley Cooper as Jack in A Star Is Born (2018).
Warner Bros.

Initially, Jackson shows a humble side to him that gives Ally her big break when no one else will. While their relationship is seemingly healthy in its early stages, things quickly take a turn for the worse as Ally's career flourishes while Jackson's declines, all due to his substance abuse. Ally remains by Jackson's side until the bitter end, and it takes an enormous emotional toll on her.

Never Been Kissed (1999)

Never Been Kissed
20th Century Fox

Arguably the most inappropriate couple on the list, Never Been Kissed convinces audiences into rooting for Josie and Sam to get together by the end of the film, when in reality, they both deserved to be out of a job. This relationship is cemented on lies, manipulation, and predatory behavior. Sam is in a position of power as Josie's teacher, and while she is an adult, he doesn't know this, believing she is another one of his teenage students.

Sam only has a problem with their relationship when he discovers Josie is actually age-appropriate! Sure, Josie lied for personal gain, but Sam was a reprehensible person that had no business working in a school setting.